Saturday, August 15, 2020

World Humanitarian Day 2020: Date,Theme & Ways to Celebrate

World Humanitarian Day is held on 19 August to pay tribute to aid workers who risk their lives in humanitarian service, and to rally support for people affected by crises around the world. Last year, the Day focused on female humanitarians, sharing the stories of 24 women who had affected change in cities and towns and villages across the globe.

How To Celebrate World Humanitarian Day?

The World commemorates humanitarian workers killed and injured in the course of their work, and we honor all aid and health workers who continue, despite the odds, to provide life-saving support and protection to people most in need. Around 168 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection. This situation will keep getting worse unless climate change and the root causes of conflict are better addressed. On current trends, projections show that more than 200 million people could be in need of assistance by 2022.

1. Donate to a humanitarian organization.
2. Do some humanitarian work in your community.
3. Contact your elected leaders.
4. Use the hashtag #WorldHumanitarianDay to post on social media.



Humanitarian Day 2020 Theme

World Humanitarian Day (WHD) is held every year on 19 August to pay tribute to aid workers who risk their lives in humanitarian service, and to rally support for people affected by crises around the world.

Humanitarian Day 2019 Theme

The day is observed annually to pay tribute to the humanitarian aid workers who endanger their lives for humanitarian service as well as to rally support for the people affected by crisis across the world. The world humanitarian day 2019 theme is 'Women Humanitarians'

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